Thursday, March 6, 2008

Dog Walk 5 - Two Junkies just getting along.

Todays contestants are a couple of young people, probable drug addicts but I guess I shouldn't label them if I haven't actually seen them inject, who were walking along the street towards gigi and I. They stood out at first because they were clambering up a fence to look over it. Not sure why they were climbing up there, it was a chain link fence so you could see through it, but maybe they were planning a break in? God knows.
Anyway, they jumped down and walked towards us. The dude was in front and his lady friend following but a few metres behind.
She was "talking" to him, when I say talking I mean yelling something or other at him along the lines of
"You don't ever f*ing do anthing, do ya? huh, well, do ya? Come on, talk to me. What are ya, f*ing scared or somfink?"
You get what I mean.
Anyway, I could hear this as we walked towards them and when they were behind me, the badgering continued.
This would have been fine if that was the last I saw of them.
It wasn't.
I get home, drop gigi off and then head to work via the tram stop.
Now the couple was walking in the opposite direction of the tram stop when I last saw them, but here they were, at the tram stop, sitting on the same seat, she's still yelling at him and he is just looking straight ahead, no response. I never heard his voice, he just kept on looking straight ahead.
What a great team.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Dog Walk 4 - Bus stop boy.

Lately I've noticed there is a young student, not sure which school he attends but he wears a uniform (I'll take more note of it next time), and he waits at a bus stop for his private school bus. Nothing out of the ordinary there, but what I have noticed is that every morning, without fail, he is chaperoned by one of his parents. I had noticed that he would walk to the stop with his father on other mornings, and I'd noticed that they would stand on the corner together, again nothing out of the ordinary, until I was there when the bus arrived and dear old dad then walked off to work and he pretty much made sure his Son boarded the bus. This morning it was his mother with him, on the same corner, waiting for the bus. When I've seen his father there, they would usually be chatting, I don't hear anything as I'm in iPod nirvana. This morning, his mother was sort of standing with her back to him, he's sitting on the fence counting down the seconds I guess. I wonder what's going on there. The boy is probably 15 years of age. Why does he need a chaperon at the bus stop? Is that street so unsafe that the boy needs to be looked after? I hope not as I leave my daughter around he corner from there to catch a bus. Does he have a history of cutting school? Has he been caught smoking and this is his punishment?