Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Dog Walk 3 - Car sleepers.

Over the past few walks, I've noticed a growing trend in our streets. I've noticed there are a few people opting to sleep in their cars. I'm not sure that these are long term arrangements, but I think they are either waiting for their shift to start, or waiting for a partner to finish a shift. Seems funny that you could actually get any sleep in a car in our neighbourhood, it's not the quietest of areas and there are more than enough people who would hassle you in your car for a couple of coins so they can phone their girlfriend.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Dog Walk 2

7:30 am. Today's contestants were these two dudes, guys you normally wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley. Not because the we huge or dangerous looking, they just seemed like a couple of petty crims, dressed in big puffy jackets and baggy jeans and exposed silky boxers. So they are walking towards us and they both look down at Gigi and let out one of those “awwwws”. Not the sort of sound you’d expect to come out of these type of guys, but it did. Then they said something like “nice dog”, I wasn’t sure as the iPod tends to block out most external noises.

Dog Walk 1

7:30 am. Today's contestant was a dude walkeing towards us, wearing a non descript baseball cap, jacket, tee-shirt, long shorts and chuck taylors sneakers. Sounds like your average sort of Joe. Except this Joe is strumming his ukulele. He stops playing it as we approach, but as soon as we are within 10 feet, he plays Gigi a little song, whistles and then walks on by, strummin away.
I think Gigi enjoyed the impromptu show. She sniffed at the guy and didn't jump all over him.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Clokes - Dog walker.

This is a new blog to chronicle my adventures while walking the dog.

With a minimum of two walks a day and our new inner city location, I come across some weird and wonderful people and sights.

We always start with a morning walk, we pick up a newspaper along the way and gigi does her own "business".

In the evening, and I mean late evening, we have out final walk for the day. Usually just a short wee walk, but again, we can sometimes see some weird sights. Especially with a pub nearby and many blocks of flats.

I'll start writing properly soon, away on business at the moment, testing out some great new gear (Mac Pro, PS3, Sony handycam, 52 inch LCD). Really enjoying it!

Bye for now.